Shakthi Paramasivam

Shakthi Unlimited
Cleveland's energetic Yogi

What if someone were to tell you, that inside you already, is everything that you need to be fulfilled in life? That by simply tapping into and using the power that’s within, could take to you to the point that you needed to be? Long before Hippies of the 60′s, Tony Robbins or even Dr. Phil, a system of exercise, breathing and meditation was developed so that its practitioners would find a healthier, longer life and heighten self-understanding. The method that professes to do that and more is the 5000 year old Yoga, and one of the fast rising, dynamic teachers is Shakthi, (pronounced: shäk-thee) of Shakthi Unlimited.

Meditating since he was a baby Shakthi is a peace
Quieting the mind

Born in India, Shakthi and his family moved to Sri Lanka while he was still an infant and where he spent his formative years. Early exposure to yoga came from Shakthi’s grandfather meditating with him as a baby, following the yoga belief that meditation energy can be felt by others nearby. The physical yoga practice began for Shakthi at age 8 around the same time the family returned to India. In 1998 Shakthi came to the United States to attend the highly competitive engineering school at the University of Cincinnati. As he continued to be an active practitioner of the yoga lifestyle, Shakthi was drawn away from the attraction of construction industry and toward guiding and coaching others to reach a higher level as part of his own life-path.

“I only convey what I’ve experience myself. I don’t just read the books and say that ___ says this so it must be true. I apply it to my life first, so there is some authenticity to my life. Then I can convey ideas based upon my original experience, bring authenticity to my teaching.”

Giving a message so others may grow
“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Teaching others
“We must become the change we want to see.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Shakthi will be among the first to say that, the difference between yoga and simple physical exercise is the creation of a connection between what the body is doing and what the mind is thinking. An example of a simple exercise might be running on a treadmill while watching TV. Exercising in this way is an activity where the body is getting a workout but the mind distracted. In yoga there is a connection to the body and the mind by bringing awareness to breathing. Yoga practitioners create a higher level of awareness to what is going on in their body moments or what is described as “ones conscious”. It is the belief that the consistent practice of yoga and the lifestyle associated with it, is what allows people to get more out of any exercise and even life itself.
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“Yoga is like breathing… it’s like food… it’s all prevailing. Yoga is a tool that helps with everything!”

Class in Twinsburg, Ohio
Teaching and opening doors of the mind

Elevating people from where they currently are, to a higher level is, what Shakthi teaches through his different yoga classes. There are two types of physical movement classes: Fluid Dynamics Yoga and Partner Yoga involving many of the traditional yoga poses and exercises. There is also a class called: Meditation for a Sexy Mind and a Calm Body, focused on the creation of a strong, conscious, mind-body link and improved living.

Shakthi holding yoga class in Twinsburg, Ohio
The mind-body connection

Shakthi also holds periodic large scale, Empowerment Seminars throughout the year. In these seminars people are shown that physical action can aid in both shedding fears and building confidence. Within a period of a few hours, Shakthi guides students in the taming of several fears including one of the most primal, the fear of fire. Students are taught the history of firewalking, safety issues, go through several confidence building exercises with role playing, all culminating in a walk across a 10 to 20 foot bed of hot coals. To reinforce the message that great things can be accomplished by believing in one’s self, selected participants are then asked to break an archery arrow positioned between a wall and their throat, without using their hands. With new found confidence participants overcome the rational fear of injury and walk forward, breaking the arrow.

There is a saying, “helping others is its own reward”; that being true, Shakthi is rewarded time and time again through his guidance and empowerment of others.

Yoga accepts. Yoga gives.
Empowerment through firewalking

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