My 365 Project

Action is the foundational key to all success” ~Pablo Picasso

I am announcing the start of my 365 Project beginning Wednesday, January 1, 2014 What is a 365 project you might ask? A 365 Project is a commitment to take and share at least one photo from each day of the year. While it is my job as a wedding, event and portrait photographer to make great images daily, this year-long exercise gives me an opportunity for growth through experimentation in subject, lighting and technique. Each day, I’ll be looking for and taking the image that expresses what I want to communicate that day, instead of photographing to meet my client’s needs.

Practice doesn’t make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.” ~Vince Lombardi

This is more than snapping a picture of whatever I see first each day. In order to achieve growth, I must stretch and challenge myself each day to create the best image possible, given that days constraints. Oh, did I surprise some of you with the word “constraints”?

Whether inside or outside of a studio, we become better, stronger photographers by overcoming obstacles and solving problems. It doesn’t matter if those obstacles are natural or self-imposed, the goal remains to make a great image instead of hoping to take a great shot. It is when those obstacles are on purpose, that they become constraints, and the successful workaround becomes knowledge for the future. A constraint is neither good nor bad, it is only what must be overcome in the making of a compelling image.

Naturally, constraints aren’t the only thing to work on daily. Like all images, I want them to have great composition, the right exposure and subjects that are interesting. Ultimately the idea is that the image that I make on December 31, 2014 is better in a number of ways than the image I made twelve months earlier on January 1st.

We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.”~ Bob Ross

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Who knows, Viagra was discovered while trying to create a new and better heart medicine, Velcro was invented by a man interested in why plant burrs were sticking to his dog. Necessity might be the mother of invention, but sometimes discovery is just blind luck. I have zero expectation of any kind of big discovery, but I’m sure that I’ll make several small ones that might only benefit a select few. Those discoveries can and will be made by people willing to do things differently and try out a new way.

You can observe a lot just by watching.”~Yogi Berra

This kick-off is to invite everyone to be apart of this journey with me. As a voyeur, you’re invited to look and see the growth and change. As a student, I was told by a professor that if I wanted to learn more about an artist, I needed to study their work. With that understanding I know that I’m opening myself up more than when I’m telling someone else’s story. Observers seeing what subjects I choose, and how I shoot them might get some insight to the deepest parts of my psyche, but beware as the saying goes, sometimes a tree is just a tree.

Another way that people can be a part of this journey is to start your own 365/52/12 Project. Use your Polaroid, DLSR, point & shoot or cell phone camera and capture the world around YOU! On a regular interval, capture and share your images, and let others watch and share in your improvement.

To all that have invested the time to make it this far in this post, thank you. Thanks for reading this launch statement and for entertaining my thoughts and meanderings. I give a special thank you to all of you wishing me “good luck”, as this project begins. Thanks to those that are going to check in and watch my progress, and to everyone who starts their own project because of me. Thank you, to all my family, friends and associates that are behind my success. Of course, a very special and humble THANK YOU to everyone that becomes a part of this project over the next year, in their own unique and special way.

Comments (1)

One Response to My 365 Project

  1. Maureen Diederich says:

    Thanks Al, 365 will mean a lot to me.

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